Betekenis van:
operating cost

operating cost
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • bedrijfskosten
  • the expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes




  1. The cost of operating schools continued to rise.
  2. Annual operating cost
  3. Operating cost (present value)
  4. Operating cost NOK/kWh
  5. Cost of termination of principal operating contracts
  6. Security and safety cost (operating + investment costs) [3]
  7. Other cost adjustments may be required to reflect the current purchase cost of an asset and its operating cost base.
  8. in order to calculate the net reimbursable operating costs, RTP has to deduct from the operating cost the operating revenues deriving from each public service obligation,
  9. With this cost structure, annual sales of EUR 3 million yield EUR 0,4 million operating margin.
  10. The operating costs include the cost of the crew, maintenance, insurance, fuel and mineral oils.
  11. Operating cost (present value) E.1.2.8 n.a. EUR Net revenue (present value) E.1.2.9 n.a. EUR
  12. ‘Other operating costs’ are allocated proportionally to already allocated cost of services.
  13. Total operating security and safety cost and revenue 2006-2042 in EUR (nominal values)
  14. For example, these costs include the cost of forms required for particular services, final payments to foreign postal administrations or the cost for operating RTV subscription service units,
  15. The cost of acquiring the vessel and its operating losses are reflected in losses in the shareholding EURLs.